Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Dragon Prince WIP

So.. My second post..

So here is my WIP Dragon Prince Rider, took me about 7 hours all up, not a bad job for a colour blind kid, I think at least, I went with Gold and Silver because the "fluff" I'm writing for the Highborn Guard are that they are loyal Asur from Nagarythe, now called the Shadowlands, which was the homeland of the Druchii (Dark Elves) and was Gold and Silver where their colours, I added the white cause High Elves believe it stands for purity, so I needed something to connect them to High Elves, and the Red stands for all the blood they have shed and the blood they have spilt, I think it goes well together and the few people who have seen them reckon they are very good table top standard, let me know what you all think, any feedback of what I can or should do or hints and tips, and what you think of the colour scheme would be awesome, I am almost finished the unit as of writing this so I will post some pictures when they are full complete, hope to hear from you all soon?

Welcome to the Highborn Guard!

Welcome all to the Highborn Guard,

I thought I would start this blog because I love reading other Blogs, and now that I have a worthy topic of talking about (and gloating about for that matter) I can join the ranks, I will be talking about everything from general Fantasy Topics, High Elf Tactica's and how my Highborn Guard are going, as well as the occasion Battle Report and the like (hopefully I will be filming most of these Banter style).

A bit about me, my name is Jack, I'm 21 and live in Gosford, NSW and I play Warhammer Fantasy as the High Elves, I enjoy all the books and modelling the ancient warriors of the Asur, which is heaps of fun, I also run the Tune It Out community on Facebook, it's a charity/group that works against bullying, suicide, self doubt and child abuse, I go out and talk to people and kinda act like a big brother, and I'm a foster carer for the past year and a bit, which I really love doing, anyways, enough about me.

So I hope you enjoy this blog and stay around to watch it grow, message me if you have any questions or requests, I'm based in Gosford/Sydney so if anyone is up for a Fantasy Battle then let me me know! I am more then willing to play as many games as possible! Hope to here from you all soon!