Monday, 11 August 2014

High Elves 8th Edition Tactica - Special Rules

Welcome back to The Highborn Guard, I'm Jack, and this is a tactica about High Elves Special Rules, the very things that set them apart in the Warhammer world and contrast them against their Dark Kin, and their more "minimalistic" Kin, this is just my view and my opinion of these things, so if you have a different opinion please voice it, i'd love to hear and get a different view of it, please also remember that I am in no means a pro, or a strictly competitive player, I play for fun, and I am new to the game (started earlier this year) but anyways, I digress, onto the tactica shall we?

Martial Prowess - Any High Elf model with this special rule my make supporting attacks in one more rank then normal. And this is cumulative with hang other special rules that allows a unit to fight in extra ranks. In addition, shooting units fire in one extra rank then normal.

This rule is just amazing, more so then most people realise at first, first of all, basically everything can attack in 3 ranks plus, Silver Helms can attack with Lances 3 ranks deep, Archers and and Sisters can fire 3 Ranks, Phoenix Guard fight in 3 Ranks, and spearmen fight in 4 ranks, when receiving a charge and 3 on the charge, this rule can be made to make our already brutal combat prowess with Always Strike First even more brutal. Just image 21 White Lions charging something in a 7 Wide, 3 Deep formation, thats 22 I5 to the front, with Full Command, that will take a chunk out of any armies elite units.

Valor of Ages - If your opponent's army rooster contains on or more models from Warhammer: Dark Elves, models with this special rule may re-roll failed Panic, Fear, and Terror tests.

While this may not be a rule that you will always use, or even remember, this can be a great benefit if you ever do fight our Dark Elven kin, this can be a very powerful advantage to have when we face Dark Elves as you can more reliably charge their monsters, and their elite units that cause Fear, just don't forget to use it when you do end up facing the Dark Elves, it will make a very big difference I promise you.

Lileath's Blessing - Models with this special rule add +1 to all attempts to cast spells from the Lore of High Magic.

Another really underrated bonus a lot of the people I play with don't see the benefit of, if you give a level 2 Mage the Lore of High Magic, he then counts as a Level 3 for all casting attempts, that is a very powerful thing, especially if you are using him as a Ward bunker, as he can reliably 1 or 2 dice most of the lower high magic spells with your last few dice, don't forget this little rule, it can make a massive difference.

Fireborn - Models with this special rule have a 2+ Ward Save against wounds cause by attacks that have the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Im just gonna come out and say it, I love my Dragon Princes and anything that has Dragon Armour! Heavy Armour with a 6+ inbuilt Ward Save with a 2+ Ward Save against Flaming Attacks is amazing, to use this rule to it's fullest you need what ever you have given Dragon Armour too (most cases this will be the commander and your Dragon Princes) and ram them down your opponents Flaming unit, most players I play against brings one unit at least with Flaming Banner, if you see it, and know it is a Flaming Banner, and you ram your Fireborn unit into it, it will hold for a long time, and it will save the rest of your army from their threat, also I have noticed a lot of commanders have Flaming Attack weapons, and a lot of elite units, with the Fireborn rule you can literally put a commander with a 1+ Armour Save with Fireborn in front of them, and laugh as he tries to kill you, as most opponents forget with have this nifty rule, don't be afraid to exploit it.

Arrows of Isha - Shooting attacks made by a model who is attacking with a weapon with this special rule are Magical Attacks. Models from Forces of Destruction suffer an addition -1 to their Armour Saves against wounds cause by Arrows of Isha.

Now.. A lot of people have a lot of negative to say about this special rule, but I don't agree with them, this is a powerful rule when used right, it comes default on Sisters and Handmaidens, 2 very powerful ranged units, these units can reliably destroy the chances of a Chaos Warriors making his Armour Save, another benefit is we can deal with Ethereal units at range without magic if you have a few Sisters in your back field, you straight out ignore nearly all Skaven, Goblin, Beasts and Vampire Counts armour (baring Blood Knights). And the fact that this rule works against most of the armies I have been seeing at least is a great thing! Working against all the Forces of Destruction gives it amazing diversity to deal with a lot, and even if your not facing the bad guys.

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